Friday, September 18, 2020

"This is what we got . . "


“This is what we got.
If you want it, come in and get it.”

That’s how action-hero Jack Reacher described the window of a retail store in The Enemy. Nothing else about that book is relevant here, but the way he described that window reminded us of some websites we’ve seen. Not focused on tempting the user.

Your website is probably on a very short list of marketing tools you still have turned on. So it better be doing more than just showing up. What it better be doing is creating desire for your property.

Pre-Covid, you might have been able to just to sit back with a “Here’s what we got” website and get your fair share of bookings, more or less. Plus there was repeat business. You got some web traffic from PPC, some from advertising or PR and some just stumbled in out of the cold. A website with some beauty shots, room descriptions and special offers was generally serviceable.

Those days are over.

You’re probably advertising a lot less, so when you do get a visitor, you need to work it. Sell the joys and benefits of your property. Don’t just present information and let visitors draw their own conclusions. Even repeat customers need to be sold on coming back now.

The irony is, with revenues down, coming up with the money to re-vamp your website can be a challenge.

So there are two things here. There’s no getting around the fact that finding a way to invest in keeping your brand message alive and in front of people is worthwhile. Not necessarily because it’s going to fill the place up tomorrow, but because if you make that investment now, then you’re going to do a lot better a lot more quickly when things loosen up. That’s a fact. Maybe take a little bit from other budgets here and there. Definitely look into barters, trades and extended payments, but don’t just go totally dark.

Here’s something else. As beneficial as it might be to re-do your whole website, if you even just re-purpose your home page, you’ll be ahead of the game. The cost/benefit equation there can be pretty favorable.

Your home page is like those store windows. Or the guy who works the sidewalk outside a hoochie-coochie show. It’s there to hook your audience and give them a reason to come in and look around. And ultimately, spend money.

Don’t fill it up with mountains of copy nobody is going to read, SEO fantasies be damned. Make it easy for visitors to get the point and remember it. Be creative. Even if you have to get some help to augment the technical skills your web provider brings to the party.

And, while everything you’re doing to address the Covid-19 crisis is important, let’s be honest – that’s sort of expected these days. Everybody is doing it. So it shouldn’t be the lead or the focus of your home page – certainly not at the expense of selling your property.

So open up your website and look at your home page. Does it create desire?

Or does it just say “This is what we got. It you want it, come in and get it”?


Friday, September 4, 2020

Here's what gets you through this thing

Here's what gets you through this thing.

It's interesting how many are saying now that they have no money to spend on marketing and advertising.

It's like, business is bad, so we're not going to spend anything on making it better until it gets better all by itself. And that makes no sense.

What we're in is, more or less, a recession, certainly as far the hospitality industry is concerned. And it's a stone fact that businesses that continue to advertise and market themselves during a recession come out of it in far better shape than those who don't. You can look it up.

So maybe you trim a little bit of everything else to come up with some sort of marketing budget. What will it cost to do that? Better question - what will it cost you if you don't?

If there was one thing you could do to help you get through this crisis faster and come out stronger, wouldn't it make sense to find the money somewhere to do it?

Well then . . .


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Get out of that snowbank


Start with strategy.

Everything else is tactics. And tactics without a strategy supporting them can be a lot like trying to get your car unstuck from a snowbank. Spinning your wheels with lots of noise and motion, but not so much in the results department.

Advertising, public relations, promotions, PPC, website content – if it’s not all driving off the same strategy, you’re throwing a lot of money out the window. And right about now, with occupancies what they are, nobody in the hospitality business has that kind of cash to throw anywhere.

Here’s a quick illustration of what we mean. A little while back, we were working with a resort in Jamaica, and if you know anything about the Caribbean, you know that summer is charitably known as the “offseason.” As in, who the hell wants to go to the Caribbean in the middle of the summer? And that was a problem for our client in Jamaica.

We’d be happy to give you more details about it, and you can see some of the creative at at, but the essence of the thing is that we repositioned July and August as “Jamaica-Rama,” a special time of the year with special events and offerings almost every night. This strategy was delivered through all of their marketing channels. And all of it built around the resort’s “Sensory Magic” Brand position.

As a result, The number of new website sessions went up by 16%, the bounce rate went down by 15% and the number of active users doubled – and nobody was shopping rate. Not only that, but the client enjoyed their best August ever for both rate and occupancy.

The creative and the media plan were good, but the strategy underneath it all made the difference. Strategy, not tactics, drove the success.

Point is, tactics without a strategy are just things – busy work. And a strategy based on your brand position (which is probably different than what is was pre-Covid) – can be a pretty powerful and cost-effective tool.

So before you sign up for more tactics or jump on the latest hospitality bandwagon idea, put some thought into a strategy that will make everything work that much harder.
